US Programs

We will rebuild, reconcile and recover in every known nook of our nation, in every corner called our country our people diverse and beautiful will emerge battered and beautiful.

– Amanda Gormon, The Hill we Climb

There are a plethora of challenges facing the United States of America – from addressing the COVID-19 pandemic to focusing on the renewal and recovery of American families, businesses and institutions.

We work with organizations and individuals to support the continued strengthening of our educational systems, economic mobilization, and regional prosperity. 

We believe that working locally, with communities and leaders that know the issues intimately, is critical for success. We actively engage all program stakeholders in the development of solutions to the most pressing problems.

We tailor our approach, our team and our methods to reflect the diversity and magnitude of the issues we face together as a country.

Examples of questions we have addressed or are thinking about include:

  • How will kids return to school safely?


  • How will educational institutions address pandemic requirements?


  • What evidence is needed to make decisions about reopening schools?

Examples of our work include:


We worked with a group of public health professionals, education professionals and parents to raise the profile of creating an integrated, national body to support return to school amidst a pandemic.